El domingo estuvo un día horrible climatológicamente hablando pero fue genial en otros aspectos: mis papis vinieron de visita, trajeron una lasaña imposible de describir con palabras y pasamos una tarde genial visitando el Aquarium. Me encanta la foto! las anémonas tienen unos movimientos tan elegantes que me quedaba como el pez de la foto: anonadada mirándolas!
Hala! a tejer un poco!!
Can you think in something better than a visit to the Aquarium in a rainy sunday? yep! going for free!! Last week, was Science week in the town so the entrance to all the museums was free :)
On Sunday, my parents came for visiting, they brought a yummy, really yummy, lasagna!! and we spent the afternoon in the Aquarium. My face was quite similar to the fish: looking at the elegant movements of the anemones.
Now...a little of knitting!